Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance (CEIAG)
Welcome to our Careers section.
Statement of Intent for Careers Learning
At St Peter’s Catholic School, our purpose is to be Christ to all. We nurture independent, resilient, inquisitive and motivated lifelong learners.
‘Career’ describes the way that every individual moves through their life, learning and work. St Peter’s Catholic School is committed to every student going on to a fulfilling career, being able to use the knowledge and skills learned at school and applying these across the rest of their lives. This is a key measure of the success of St Peter’s as it is only through ensuring that our students can successfully transition to their lives after school and establish themselves in work and in society that we will succeed in our aim of helping them to live by the school’s values and make a positive difference to the world.
- We encourage students to raise their aspirations both academically and in their personal development
- We support students to understand and develop their own strengths, skills and career interests
- We equip students with the skills and knowledge needed to make well-informed, realistic decisions at each key transition point and throughout their careers
- We develop students’ employability skills, confidence and resilience in preparation for the world of work
We aim to achieve this through a progressive careers programme starting in Year 7 comprising assemblies, tutor time sessions, Citizenship lessons and curriculum lessons. In addition, there are special careers events throughout the year for all year groups.
We seek to provide as much employer exposure as possible, whether through assemblies, visits or work experience to inspire and motivate students, challenge stereotypes and showcase a wide range of careers.
The Careers Team
Careers Lead and Careers Adviser: Mrs Sarah Calvert,, 01483 54643511
Work Experience Co-ordinator: Mrs Annette Warren
Career Link Governor: Mr Patrick Gloyens
Please use the navigation on the left-hand side to access further careers information.