Labour Market Information (LMI) Tools
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Labour Market Information is vital in providing young people and their parents with information about career routes and salaries.
It helps young people explore key aspects about a particular area, including:
- The sectors, industries and businesses that operate there
- The jobs that exist
- The number and type of job vacancies
- The sectors and industries that are predicted to grow in the coming years.
- Travel to work patterns
- The kinds of skills that are/will be needed by industries and businesses.
- Pay and progression patterns
Young people thinking about future careers want to understand:
- The competition they will face – “How easy is it to get into?”
- Entry and progression routes - “How do I get into it?”
- The rewards available – “What’s the pay like?”
- The availability of jobs in their ‘travel to work area’ – “Can I travel to this work easily?”
- Recruitment and selection and the prospects of securing employment in a particular job – “Could I get into this type of work?”
- The value of particular qualifications, experience or training – “Do employers accept this qualification?”